The last series of the season at St. Caths is sadly finally here, the annual Condor Series, which includes the class championships starts at 1000 AM on Sunday. The series runs every Sunday in October with morning and afternoon starts, check the fixture list for start times.
TC is Launched
The Tony Cavey Power Boat Training Centre, which is an approved RYA training centre, and is incorporated into the club have recently lauched ‘TC’ a brand new RIB. We are absolutely thrilled that we have a new Rib in the club this year, watch this news report to see the launch.
Extra sailing dates
For those wondering how they are going to get through this month without any race dates, bouncy castle for sale we are putting on 3 short races back to back on Sunday the 18th of September. (SPARE date on the fixture list) These races will not contribute toward any series, although there may be a small (edible) prize for the winner. Racing will start at 10am sharp. If you don’t want to race but would like to help on the RIB please contact me!
23 boats on the water in light airs and sunshine.
Well done Martin Speller for winning the Jubilee Cup! Nick Ellison won the Jubilee plate as first junior sailor and William Holden was awarded the Jubilee Mug as first Optimist. Thanks to all the sailors who took part. It was great to see new faces out in the bay! Huge thanks to the race officers Inflatable Water Slide Louise and Rhys Perkins, the guard boat crews Ian Moisan, Jeremy Barnes, Andy Harris and Tracey Ingle, and to Cath Moisan and Louise Perkins for a great lunch. Thanks also to washer-uppers, trolley launchers and all others who made it a splendid day!
Club Cruise August 21st
10:00am Start
In the past we’ve picnicked at Seymour, had ice creams at Gorey or tea at the Hungry Man Inflatable Water Slide at Rozel. We’ve even ventured out to the Ecrehous. The club cruise destination will be revealed on the day! Bring a packed lunch and your sailing kit.
Buddy Racing
Every Thursday evening during August is the buddy race series. The series is one of the bouncy castle for sale clubs race series but with a difference. The idea is to welcome new racers and sailors into the club, in a relaxed manner and to have club members give some time back to help you and explain things when they go wrong! Aimed at adults it does not matter if you have not raced before or not for a long time we will help you, so that in September you feel more confident to race in club events. This is not a sailing lesson, you need to be able to rig and sail your boat or a club boat, but we will help you tune and adjust it. Let Kate Amy know if you are coming or if you would like to come and help out on the first session, or have any questions.
Club Regatta – Results
Results for Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday have been posted. Use drop down lists and select ‘All in’ ignore overall and view each race or series. All the trophy winners are detailed on this list. Another great St. Cath’s Regatta weekend!
Skippers briefing 0930 Saturday
The club regatta takes place this weekend 22, 23 & 24 July 2011, the weather is set fair, so bring the sun screen. Past and present members are always welcome to join in or spectate from the club. If you are not sailing why not pop in and bring your family and friends to see the sailing over the weekend and enjoy the clubs hospitality. To help us cater for everyone if you could complete the registration form and email back to us would be a great help.
We need your Anchors!
Do you have any unwanted anchours in the back of your garage you could donate to the club, we have unfortunatly lost some (not able to free them so had to cut them free) and desperately need them for our race marks. If you can help please email
2012 Tide Tables
The 2012 St. Helier tide times can be downloaded from the ‘General sailing information’ web page or click here
RYA Powerboat Courses
RYA level 2 Powerboat training courses will run on:
July 20/21, August 7/13 Aug 20/21 cost £80
For more information about our powerboat courses or to book, please e-mail
Pre-course experience | None. May be preceded by Level 1 |
Assumed Knowledge | None |
Course content | All you need to know for self-sufficient powerboating at a basic level. Course includes launching, mooring, anchoring and recovery plus all the boat driving skills required for basic competence in a powerboat |
Ability after course | Self-sufficient powerboater in the right conditions, aware of own limitations and those of craft |
Minimum duration | 2 day course or shorter assessment for experienced drivers (half to one day). |