Guidance for New Sailors

Club sailing takes place on most Thursday evenings and Sundays  from Easter, through to the end of September, please check our calendar for details of times.

Club sailing is available to all members who have taken lessons or who have prior sailing experience.

If you don’t have your own boat, there are a number of Club boats which can be used, provided that they are not being used for training. 

  • Oppies are suitable for children up to 15 years who have taken lessons or sailed them before.
  • Fevas are great for one adult and a child, or two teens.
  • Laser Picos can be used single-handedly by an adult or double-handed

Club boats can be booked via Webcollect (£10 charge to cover cost, maintenance & insurance when borrowing the newer Fevas)

Please arrive at the club at least 1 hour before races are due to start, even if you are just planning to sail for fun and not join in the races.  It is best to launch with the other boats, as the sailors do help each other.  If you arrive late, there not be anyone around to assist and the Officer of the Day (the “OOD”) may already be on the water.

It is important to advise the OOD that you plan to sail. Safety is always a priority; therefore please ensure you discuss your plans with the OOD, with consideration given to the experience of the sailor and the weather conditions at the time.  The OOD has the final decision as to whether members can sail with the club boats.

  • If you are an experienced sailor but have not rigged or sailed the club dinghies before and just need some guidance, please arrive in good time and ask a club member to assist
  • If you are new to sailing, please consider taking group or private lessons

If you are going to join in a race, then great, we’d be delighted to see you on the start line.  Sign up is via web collect, please make yourself familiar with the club Sailing Instructions which  depict the courses, signals, etc.

Please ensure you are rigged and ready to launch with time to spare to sail out to the start line.  If you start a race and then decide it’s not for you, then just let the Race Committee  know that you are withdrawing.



Competitive Multiclass Dinghy Racing