Dinghy Sailing courses for all ages and ability, delivered by our Qualified RYA Dinghy Instructors with enthusiasm and professional local knowledge. All our courses aim to help you improve your skills and take into account your personal requirements.
We operate from the comfort of St Catherine’s Sailing club with up-to-date learning resources.
Using Optimist, Pico, Feva and Omega sailing dinghies we are able to Tailor your learning programme to suit your physical ability and learning levels.
Our courses start from 8ys as individuals, but Families might like to bring younger members if they are together on a course.
www.webcollect.org.uk/scsc for booking and further details.
Adults learn to sail courses :Saturdays 3 hours (10am to 1pm)
Saturday 18th May(racing), 1st June, 8th June and 22nd June.
Junior Learn to Sail RYA Stage 1 and 2 :
Wednesday 5th June for 6 consecutive Weeks: 4.30 to 6.30pm
Junior RYA Stage 3 and 4 club racing.
Thursday 6th June for 6 consecutive Weeks. 5.30 to 8.00pm
Adult Sailing and Seamanship course, (bespoke learning and qualifications dependent on personal requirements.)
17th to 21st June. (5 days) 9am to 3 pm
S.C.S.C. RYA Assistant Instructor course
For Yr.10 students wanting to assist Instructors during the 2024 season.
Saturday 29th June 9am
Summer learn to sail courses.
Junior Summer 1 (all RYA stages)
22nd to 25th July (4 days)
Junior Summer 2 (all RYA stages)
29th July to 1st Aug (4 days)
Junior summer 3 (RYA all stages)
5th to 8th Aug 4 days)
Junior summer 4 (RYA all stages)
12 to 15th Aug. (4Days)
Junior Regatta : Fun for all Summer course attendees and their Families
17th Aug 10am (morning only)
Adults, Families and Teens Sailing Course. (Bespoke teaching and learning to suit individuals and groups)
19 to 22nd Aug (4 days)
Private tuition will be by negotiation with the Chief Instructor during the dates of 9th June to 4th September, this will be tailored to your requirements and relies on availability of staff.
Booking will be online through Webcollect https://webcollect.org.uk/scsc
It is hoped that families will continue to make use of the club, and become active members throughout the year. We welcome all new members to join in at events.
Priority will be given to current fully paid up ordinary members for the first 2 weeks of bookings.
Further information about the course content can also be obtained from the RYA Website
Please note the following terms and conditions:
- The person who will attend the course must be a current SCSC member (temporary or ordinary). You will only be able to apply for a place if you are on our current membership database and priority is given to Ordinary members. If you are not sure please log on to Webcollect and check whether your subscription is current.
- All bookings will take place on our new Webcollect system and payments will be made using bank transfer. The lessons are only visible once you have logged on to Webcollect.
- Full payment is required at the time of booking. Once confirmation of a place is received from Tony Cavey Training, refunds are not possible. Sailing, powerboat or first aid lessons missed, or courses cancelled, cannot be refunded or exchanged for alternative dates as our courses are mostly fully booked. In the event of lessons cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, we will endeavour to offer one alternative date. We are a non profit making training centre administered by volunteers.
General information
We have a great team of RYA qualified dinghy sailing instructors – distinctive in their yellow T-shirts – who look forward to teaching and instilling a love of sailing and how to be safe at sea. Our instructors all have the RYA First Aid qualification.
Clothing required for the sailing courses:
- Wetsuit
- Wetsuit style shoes or old trainers (no open toes)
- A packed lunch is also required for the summer holiday courses
- Sunscreen and hat
Our fleet includes: Omega, Picos, Fevas, Optimist dinghies.
Own boat tuition / family groups are also welcome.
Additional Sailing Information
We hope that all our sailors will receive a certificate at the end of their course. However sometimes they might need to practice their newfound skills a bit more to achieve that level.
Also we regret that we may be unable to swap course days if your child is unable to make their lesson.
What next?…
Once our sailors have completed their course, we hope they will want to join in with club sailing at St Catherine’s Sailing Club. The club will be offering our newly qualified sailors, coached racing to help them get them started. For information about club sailing please contact our commodore Dan Washington