Winter Laser Trainning

Martin Speller has offered to organize Laser training over the winter months. We will only train on Saturday- with a 9.30 meet, brief and then long on the water session- off, late lunch and debrief and away mid to late afternoon.

The following dates have been identified; please can you email Louise Perkins if you would like to attend. A £10 charge will include lunch and fuel costs.

It is important to let us know that you wish to join in so that we can have the appropriate number of RIBS reserved.
The dates are:
23 November
7 December
12 January
26 January
9 February
23 February

Please note this is not a learn to sail a laser; but is for those who can sail one, but need to improve and of course have the appropriate kit for winter sailing.  Any queries please contact Louise Perkins