Sailing Committee – May Newsletter

As we move into a new month of competitions its worth highlighting we have had some great sailing at the club during April. Both the Amy and ANRP Series have now been completed and congratulations go to ‘Team Haslam’ with father and son Marc and Oliver winning each series respectively. 

Looking ahead our evening sailing starts on Thursday 2nd May competing for the recently re-assigned Rhys Perkins Trophy.

We also have the start of the Sunday Farley and Verner Series. Don’t forget that the 3 Fast and Slow Series running throughout the summer also count towards the two Long Series’ Mavourneen and Bery Malco Trophies and you can track your progress on the results page accessed via our website.

The big event during the month is the Liberation Day Regatta. Three races are scheduled starting with the Vega Pursuit followed by Beagle Open Handicap finishing with the Liberation Day Trophy. These races are always held in this order to signify the three important timeline of events during the Occupation then Liberation of Jersey during the Second World War. Firstly the Vega Red Cross ship brought the much needed supplies to the island during the occupation, then HMS Beagle brought the liberating forces and subsequent Liberation of the island.

With regard to the Regatta, due to tidal conditions the first race starts at 9am promptly. This is a pursuit race where slower boats start first chased down by the faster boats who are subsequently started on a handicapped basis with winner being first over the line after 60 minutes from the first  starting signal. The three races will be held “back to back” followed by lunch on the terrace provided by our House Committee and is sure to be a fun day not to be missed.

Finally we wanted to highlight the club championships which take place on 8th September. Although there is still plenty of time to go, those who have read their sailing instructions will see that to qualify you must have completed at least 8 races prior to the event. More details of the event will follow in due course.

Thats it for now, have a great month sailing

Sailing Committee