Dear Members and Friends.
2020 has been a tough year for me as it has been for many of you as well. One of the few positives over the year has been the sailing and camaraderie at St Catherine’s Sailing club. The Club has such an amazing collection of talented and enthusiastic members and it has had a great season of racing. This has been under the excellent guidance of our last commodore David Jones who deserves lots of praise for a job very well done. I am honored to be toboggan aquatique gonflable your next commodore and will endeavor to keep up the high standards.
We have started on the preparation for the 2021 callender and it looks like it is going to be another great season hopefully involving a trip to St Malo for the Trophy des Isles with our younger members, COVid permitting, and our usual regattas and series as well as the ongoing sailing courses. Please feel free to contact me or one of the committee if you have any questions or ideas regarding these.
I would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and New year. I can’t say that I will be sad to say goodbye to 2020 and am looking forward to welcoming in 2021. Keep safe and see you all at the club or on the water soon.
Ben Rogers, Commodore, St Catherine’s Sailing Club.