In the absence of our usual on the water activities, we are all set to run the following virtual racing events:
Summer Evening Series (every Thursday) – starts Thursday 21st May to Thursday 2nd July. 3 races will be held each evening starting at 7pm.
Jubilee Regatta – Sunday 31st May – 5 races back to back starting at 10 am.
There will be prizes for the inflatable water slide winners of virtual racing events to be given at our Annual Prizegiving Dinner in November.
Race Officer of the day for each event will be your Commodore (Pseudonym ‘St Cath’s DJ’) who will be online for a pre-race chat via a Zoom call prior to the racing.
If you would like to join in with this racing, register for free on the Inshore area
Race Entry – please register your intention to race by sending your name and ‘Pseudonym’ to Dave at There are only 20 places so first come, first served. Get practising!
Congratulations to St Catherine’s Laser dinghy sailor Will Dengate, who has been awarded the 14th annual Jersey Clipper Bursary, worth £1,000, which will assist greatly in his attendance at offshore training events to bouncy castle for sale realise his ambition of representing Great Britain in future European and World Championships.
Congratulations also to university student Lizzie Ellison who has been awarded £500 to help her gain an RYA Yachtmaster qualification. Lizzie, currently studying for a PhD in oceanography at Imperial College London, has been a keen dinghy sailor at St Catherine’s Sailing Club for many years.
Well done to you both!
Well done to all those who took part in the virtual regatta on Liberation Day. Once again, the Raimbault boys showed inflatable water slide everyone a clean pair of heels until a certain 1980’s Fireball Maestro turned up and surprised everyone by winning the last two races!
Fast, frantic and good fun!
Virtual Liberation Regatta Results
In the absence of the scheduled Liberation Regatta, we are all set to run three races back to back as a Virtual Regatta event on Saturday 9th May starting at 10:30 am. Virtual racing will take place in 49er’s in the Portsmouth bay area.
Whilst it would not be parque acuatico hinchable appropriate to award the actual trophies for this regatta series, it has been agreed by your committee that prizes will be given for the winners of each race at our Annual Prizegiving Dinner.
Race 1 ‘Virtual Vega’
Race 2 ‘Beagle Bit Coins’
Race 3 ‘Virtual Liberation’
Race Officer of the day will be your Commodore (Pseudonym ‘St Cath’s DJ’) who will be online for a pre-race chat via a Zoom call from 10am.
If you would like to join in with this racing, register for free on the Inshore area
Race Entry – please register your intention to race by sending your name and ‘Pseudonym’ to Dave at There are only 20 places so first come, first served. Get practising!
Whilst the good news is that Level 4 of the Government’s latest measures to combat the spread of the Coronavirus gives us the opportunity to sail again, please be advised that the Clubhouse and facilities will remain closed until further notice to mitigate against the risk of infection through surface contamination and the gathering of groups larger than the GoJ guidelines.
Under the Level 4 guidance it is now possible to go sailing, with up to two other individuals in support, as long as physical distancing can be achieved throughout the activity.
Please also juegos inflables adopt a ‘Sail and Go’ approach to any planned sailing activity, arriving and going home dressed for sailing.
Please be aware of the safety factors involved and that it is your responsibility to take the necessary precautions without the benefits of the usual Club safety cover or equipment.
Check the weather forecast.
Be aware of the capabilities of every sailor and match this to the conditions in the Bay.
Wear your buoyancy aid.
If possible, have someone ashore in support.
Keep within the Bay whilst sailing.
Take a handheld VHF.
Jersey Coastguard are available for advice or information on VHF Channel 82 or by phoning 447705.
Don’t forget that the current stated time for activities away from home is 4 hours, including travel time.
Owners of leisure vessels can now spend the four hours outside their home using their boats for recreational purposes, but are being urged to minimise the risk of getting into difficulties at sea by preparing properly.
The owners of leisure vessels, including yachts, jet skis and other craft, are being advised that they must:
– adhere to the latest Stay at Home instructions, which restrict time outside the tobogan hinchable house to up to four hours each day
– adhere to latest Stay at Home instructions on social distancing and meeting others from outside of your household
– log a Transit Report with Jersey Coastguard on VHF Channel 82 before leaving harbour
– remain within Jersey territorial waters at all times
– if planning to visit outlying reefs, give consideration to requirements for social distancing and time periods permitted out of the house
– maintain social distancing within public areas such as piers, marinas, pontoons, ramps and facilities
Read more here:
Competitive Multiclass Dinghy Racing