Boxing Day Race

Calling all Santa’s, Snowmen and Elves with a dinghy in the boat park . . . . what better way to aufblasbarer hindernisparcours work off all the excesses of Christmas than a fun race around the bay on Boxing Day, starting at 10:00am.  Family and friends are welcome to join us in the Clubhouse for hot drinks, cake and mince pies during the morning, see you all there.  Happy Christmas!

RYA Sailing courses for 2020

RYA Sailing courses for younger sailors will start after the Summer half term, on Wednesdays (entry level) and Thursdays (Intermediate and and racing,) booking will be online through Webcollect from February 25th 2020 (see bookings.)

Priority will be those who are fully paid up members for the year, and bookings will go online in the first week after spring half term, followed by temporary Gonfiabili members in the following weeks. It is hoped that families will continue to make use of the club, and become active members throughout the year.

Our summer RYA sailing Courses will begin at the end of July, during the summer holidays. The dates are…

27th to 30th July (level 1-4)
10th to 13th Aug (level 1-4)
24th to 27th Aug (level 1-4)
We hope to publish dates of the adult learn to sail courses nearer the time.
Please contact Justin Horton, Principal,  TC Training Center at St Catherine’s Sailing Club for further details.